When Can You Find Out the Gender of Your Baby?

When Can You Find Out the Gender of Your Baby?

It’s normal for prospective parents to be concerned about everything as they get closer to their delivery date. While some parents enjoy the suspense, others will benefit greatly from the answer to the question: when can you find out the gender of your baby? For many parents, knowing the gender is more than a practicality. Just by knowing something for sure and having a clearer idea of what to expect from their new baby, parents can feel a little more confident and in control. 


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Lipid Panel Results: How to Read a Lipid Panel

Lipid Panel Results: How to Read a Lipid Panel

A lipid panel measures cholesterol and other fats in your blood. A normal lipid panel includes four main results: total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein, and low-density lipoprotein. Together, these give your doctor a snapshot of your blood’s fat content, which can help them predict the likelihood of your arteries clogging and eventually causing heart disease.


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